Recent Posts
- Spot On from 1700 Miles Away
- The Gift of Story. An Easy Game to Play with Family and Friends this Holiday
- The Light and the Dark Will Heal You
- Sitting on Pat’s Porch Eating Scones
- Seeing Raisins: Being Present to What Is
- What is Courage?
- I'm Going to Marry a Cowboy
- Love Makes the World Go Round?
- The Magic Gazebo
- Making Sacred
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Spot On from 1700 Miles Away
Responding to a combination of serving clients from around the country as well as responding to Covid restrictions locally, I have recently been doing horse coaching sessions via Zoom.
I bring my phone out to the paddock where Blue Angel, my wise old white mare, Derby the mini donkey with the big personality, and tiny black lead mare Cadence, spend their days. Long horned cattle and sandhill cranes laze in the pasture next door. Sandia Peak looms in the distance under the big New Mexico sky.
I have often said that if I ever give up my sense of wonder and discovery in doing equine guided coaching, I should turn in my card. This was when I was doing boots-on-the ground horse sessions with clients. I could always count on the horses to get ...
The Gift of Story. An Easy Game to Play with Family and Friends this Holiday
Here is an idea for a way to share the gift of story this season. It works well in the cozy circle of family that many of us won’t have in person this year. But it also works beautifully in a Zoom gathering!
“Story Seeds” is a game anyone can play that makes spontaneous storytellers of us all. I often play it in my workshops where there are several people, but you could play it with just two people if you don’t have a whole group nearby.......
The Light and the Dark Will Heal You
The wisdom of the ancients understood the place for both light and darkness. Although we might like to have all light all the time, we live on the physical plane where without one, the other does not exist. Solstice is a celebration of equal measure light and dark. It comes on December 21, around the time when many festivals of light are celebrated around the world such as Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Yule, and St. Lucia Day.
I’m all for joy and good cheer, the more the better. However, I’ve often struggled with relentless holiday merriment when, as an adult, holidays bear a mixed bag of childhood memories and current reality, some delightful, some difficult.
Several years ago, it occurred to me that during the holiday ......
Sitting on Pat’s Porch Eating Scones
I was afraid I might not make new friends when I moved to New Mexico a year and a half ago. I was afraid that maybe I would leave everybody and everything behind and wonder, once I got down here, what was I thinking. But I knew I needed to make the move. I needed to leave the big, dark old house on Pillsbury Avenue in Minneapolis behind and find light. Trust became my watchword.
I am grateful for the good New Mexico women who have appeared before me almost by magic. One day while scrolling through one of my horse groups on Facebook, I noticed that Pat, an equine assisted therapist, lived in a stone’s throw away from where I now live. One day I messaged her suggesting we connect in person. We talked a bit on the phone and ......
Seeing Raisins: Being Present to What Is
Patience was never my forte. My fuse shortened even more after I had two daughters who were ten months apart. It seemed that there was never enough time and there was always something spilling, or someone was spitting up, screaming or both were running in different directions. What happened moment to moment was rarely in the schedule I had set up in my head. Stopping to wipe erp off the shoulder of my navy-blue pantsuit before going to work really slowed me down, not to mention made the glam factor impossible.
It’s true, though, that people can change. I had done a seminar that revealed to me in a profound way this fact of life: no matter how I think things should be, whatever is going on is what is going on. Though so ......
What is Courage?
There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger.
The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.
- L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Traditionally when we think of courage, we think of a warrior’s courage – bold, fearless, and bigger than life. It’s the James Bond kind of courage, the bungee jumper flinging himself off a bridge, or the kind of courage I mustered when I led a horse packing and storytelling trip in the Wyoming Rockies with seasoned guides Val the Singing Cowboy and his wife Cindy. I had gathered ten participants, and with a total of nineteen horses packing over narrow trails with 5,000-foot drops, we were about as far from civilization as you could get.
You need ......
I'm Going to Marry a Cowboy
“I’m going to marry a cowboy,” my 5-year-old self vowed. After all, I had come out of the womb loving horses. How else would I, a city kid, be able to transport myself into the world of Horse without the cowboys I saw on TV westerns like the Lone Ranger, the Cisco Kid and even Hopalong Cassidy? Seeing images of fearless men riding magnificent horses with names like Silver, Loco and Topper, my child’s mind also saw cowboys as the gateway to being around horses. Yes, there were a couple of cowgirls on TV, too, but I couldn’t feature riding a horse in a skirt like Dale Evans, the wife of the “real” cowboy, Roy Rogers.
“Those are culottes,” my mom explained. “A divided skirt......
Love Makes the World Go Round?
One day back when I was about thirty, I sat on my bed rubbing my eyes after waking from lovely afternoon nap. The sun shone through the east window of my third-floor bedroom onto the knotty pine walls, making them the color of dark honey. Some of the knots looked to me like a woman’s head or a horse’s eye or a flower. It felt like time outside of time. In the midst of my reverie I heard a voice, clear as day, firmly declare, “Love makes the world go round.” I sat up, still looking at the wall, scratching my head, taking this in.
“Wow! Love does make the world go round,” I whispered in awe. “I thought it was a cliché. But no. Now I see. Everything is fueled by love.” I ......